Monday, 6 October 2014

How does V for Vendetta get across it's message and beliefs through it's themes?

V for Vendetta is a film about how a man in the future is fighting against his government and its fascist ways. The five themes that i found throughout the film are vengeance, fascism, secrecy, revolution and torture. Vengeance is  a theme that comes with the message that the people shouldn't be scared of their government, the government should be scared of the people. Fascism has the message of that people shouldn't have to hide in fear of their government, they should stand up to them and be themselves, which is also the message of secrecy within the film, do not hide what you are. Revolution has the message of also standing up for what you believe in and not believing the government, as they do no good for the country. Torture is a theme with the message of having the strength to fight  against what you think is bad and not give up.

The theme vengeance gives out the message that people should not be scared of their government and they should stick together for what they believe in. Vengeance is that the people should take back what is rightfully theirs. The people wanted vengeance as the government control them and V wanted vengeance as they experimented on him, which changed who he was.

The last scene of the film shows the theme of vengeance, as it gives everyone what they wanted, and it fulfills they're want to join V in his mission of vengeance. The people joined him because they wanted vengeance against the government, and that is what they get in this scene as the very thing that symbolizes the government gets destroyed. V gets his vengeance as they experimented on him and the people get their vengeance because they were trapped by the government.

The message is that the people should control their country and have freedom, instead of the government controlling every aspect of their lives. Vengeance for the people to take the government down as they are the bad people. This is to make the viewers think that this could happen, and if theirs does happen, that they should have the courage to stand up against what is bad and speak their minds.

The message of freedom of the people is put through vengeance by the uprising of the people in the last scene in which government is blown up, the symbol of government is destroyed and all of the leaders are down and everyone is equal. They get revenge of the suffering the government put them through to rise against them and get their country back.

Revolution is theme throughout the clip that v gives the speech on tv to the people of the country, asking them to join him in the battle against the government. The clip shows revolution as v is giving the people a chance to join in and help him stand up for what they want, it shows he wants them to stop being scared of their government and start making the government scared of them.

 The speech is an example of revolution as v is rebelling against the governments ways to help get back the freedom the people of the country deserve in their own rights. Revolution is constructed through a speech that V is giving, in which he basically says that the government shouldn't control the country any longer and that they should help him on his mission to destroy the very symbol of government and to overthrow them and take all their power away.

 the message is saying that revolution is the what they need and this is because there is no other way of convincing the people to join into something any longer that hey do not have any freedom within. The purpose of V overthrowing the government is to free everyone from what they are scared of and to get his revenge on them as they did him wrong. This will help everyone feel free and they will no longer be afraid of being watched every second by the government.

The message of standing up for what they believe in comes through in the genre as the theme revolution is a theme that is throughout most dystopian films, showing V for Vendetta is a dystopian film. This is because is it set in the future where the government controls basically everything, but in the film V wants them to fight the government and the message comes through that, to stand up for what they believe in.

Another theme throughout V for Vendetta is the theme of fascism, as their country was controlled by the regimes of a fascist government, which didn't agree with anything slightly individual about everyone. The government wanted to control the people and more or less control how they think, change their views on people who are different, such as gay people and others of different races than theirs.

The clip that shows fascism is Valeries letter, in which it shows a woman that had a partner who was another woman. tt shows how they enjoyed their lives together until the government intervened and took her partner away from her due to their relationship as the government did not agree with it. This shows that the government did not like them being slightly different to what they agreed with, which is fascism at it's highest point. Anything different or strange to the government is probably scary to them, they do not want individuality in anyone as it scares them that they cannot control it.

Anything that the government feel they can't control, they get rid of it and try to destroy the concept of individuality as it put fear into them, because they can't do anything about it. The reason why this clip represents fascism is because if anyone has different views from the government, they do not like it and feel they need to take charge and change it and reinforce they're rules which people cannot stray from. Which is what they try to do in Valeries letter. They try to change the way she thinks about her partner by taking her away because they did not like their relationship. They didn't agree with they're rules so they destroyed they're lives.

The message standing up and being themselves is shown through the theme of fascism in the clip of Valeries letter as it makes you think about how our government could be doing it, trying to control our lives, because this shows the government taking destroying the lives of an innocent couple because they do not like them being individual, it makes you want to be yourself and not care what the government and everyone else thinks about how different you are. This theme is shown through the narrative as the story shows the government breaking apart a couple of women's relationship, and that is what fascism is about, destroying anything that the government do not agree with, which is what they did.





conclusion- I think that the revolution is the running theme throughout the whole film as the people are doing it for their freedom and v is because he was experimented on. Revolution for the people was because they didn't want to be under constant surveillance anymore and didn't want to be ruled by a government that did not take their thoughts and views into consideration, they wanted to be able to help change their country to way that they felt comfortable with.

1 comment:

  1. A good analysis which links themes to messages and has some evidence from the examples. The analysis shows good understanding of the ideas and politics behind the film.

    To improve:
    Develop your analysis of the examples of the scenes of how they construct these themes through MICRO aspects.
    Consider the political point of view/purpose of the film in getting across its message

    WT B
