Wednesday, 12 November 2014

1. What significant of father/ mother roles - which characters?
V is cooking for Evey, sort of mother role, so V and Evey switch roles.

2. Which scenes demonstrate birth?
When they both get reborn, V through fire (Hypermasculine- superhero) and Evey through water,Evey birthed through freedom, V birthed through vengeance

3. How are the relationships with parent figures used?

4. What psycho sexual meaning and symbols ? Yonic? Phalic? Orgasm?
When V cones out of the fire and when Evey steps into the rain, phalic associated with rain, yonic associated with fire. Evey represents orgasm as she steps into the rain.

5. Why is gender important in this film? What is it saying/purpose?
Because V is seen as genderless because he has feminine traits and Evey switches gender roles through the film. Evey goes from feminine to masculine when her hair is shaved off. V is responsible for defeminising everyone, he takes their fear away. Masks make everyone gender neutral

She is looking for a protector when she goes round Dietrich's house. Oedipal complex.
V and Evey being rebirthed. Hyper-masculine
When V cooks Evey breakfast he is a mother role to her. Mother/ father nuture.
Rebirth scene, of Evey and V .yonic and phalic imagery
Evey's hair is cut off, defeminised. Hyper-masculinity.

Hyper-masculinity: making someone more masculine (v could have died in the fire but he didn't)
Phalic and yonic imagery: Thor-Water is phalic, big muscles (mines bigger than yours), fighting in mud (mud wrestling match basically), queer gaze.     Teeth-Rose is a yonic object, warning against having sex, attempted rape so revenge. Threat to men's masculinity.
Mother/father birth procration nurturer:
The oedipal complex: Looking for qualities that are in your parents, in your partner.
Men act, women appear: women do not act, they are only in films to be looked at.

V is a metaphorical mother to Evey- grows her as a person, V has feminine traits.
Valerie is a mother to Evey- Gives her confidence through gentle words, comforts her.
Sutler is a father to creedy- He is harsh to him, he kills his 'father' to gain his power to get with his 'mother' the population(they are fearful so they are the mother). The fatherland, 'protecting' people
Dietrich is a father to Evey- He has authority over her, he is her boss. He becomes weak when people find out, he is feminine.

V born out of fire, birthed out of hate and intolerance. He could have been muslim, disagreed with the government, gay, not white.
Subversive gender roles, distorted.

Thesis= your interpretation, your idea, your answer to that question.
Point= representation of (gender/mother/father)
Example= scene & analysis of micro(textual detail)/symbol (yonic/phalic/orgasm)
Analysis= what is being communicated/ messages            Role of female- fear/passive         Role of male- threat

Revolution-  Guns, phalic objects. Big group of them, masculine. Roses, represent yonic (femininity) and love. The leaver is phalic, has lots of power, causes an explosion (orgasm). They point their guns down, flaccid phalic object. Passive revolution by the people, non violent, feminine. Organised in perfect rows, masculine. Evey births the revolution, she is a metaphorical mother, tunnel is a yonic object, the revolution is the train. Explosion is the orgasm. V represents everyone, v is Evey's mother and her father.

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