Understand box office
Shows profits and loss
Mark kemode
Flop- A film that doesn't make double the production budget.
Franchise movies-
Multiplex- Chains of cinemas, multiple screens and multiple viewings. (showcase, empire cinema)
Cinema budget- (what is a big budget film?)
Flop formular- Not a comedy, visual effect, made budget headlines, has an A lister.
If you spend money, you will make money.
Average budget is $150 to $200 million.
A film needs to earn double it's budget to be a success.
Spending a lot on advertising
Flop formula- Needs an A list star, cannot be a comedy, spend a lot on visual effects, budget headlines
Conclusion- Formulaic films are a problem because most of the films are similar, boring the audience. Blockbusters are made because hollywood want to play it safe as they know that what they are making will make money. People have grown up only watching blockbuster films, as we are told we like them, not that we may not actually like them.
The exam is about how old films have structured how new blockbusters are made, what has changed in the special effects and how different the marketing of films have changed.
Social values=Audience, they are watching blockbusters because of special effects and are told to like special effects through the advertising, also cinemas only play blockbusters
Special effects= To make the audience go to the cinema rather than watching it online, as it is a better experience
Event movies= Part of a fan base having a shared experience if you saw the movie
These films make a lot of money through branding and merchandise
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